White Cling Agrikoltura Iswed Film Lldpe Hand Ceiling Mankijiet Pe Hood Mini Jumbo Roll Pallet Tgeżwir Stretch Wrap Film
- introduzzjoni
isem |
Stretch Film in stock |
Wisa |
450MM500MM |
Tul |
300M/Roll;270M/Roll |
Piż nett |
3KG |
Ħxuna |
20U |
kulur |
Trasparenti |
Daqs tal-Qalba tal-Karta |
3 inch(76MM) |
Ippakkjar |
6 rolls/CTN |
Stampar |
No printing |
materjal |
PE |
Feature: Waterproof, Accept type,size,thickness,customized.
* 100% rata ta 'awto-kontroll għall-produzzjoni.
* 3-7 ġranet tax-xogħol għall-kampjun.
* 15-35 jiem għall-produzzjoni tal-massa.
* Matul 200 ħaddiema tas-sengħa.
* Kapaċità tal-produzzjoni: aktar minn 400 tunnellata prodotti kull xahar.
* 5,000 metri kwadri impjant tal-manifattura.
* ISO 9001CEROHSGRSReach iċċertifikat mill-grupp SGS.
-Jekk int urġenti ħafna biex tikseb il-prezz, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna email jew ikkuntattjana b'modi oħra sabiex inkunu nistgħu noffrulek kwotazzjoni.
-Normalment nistgħu nibgħatu fi żmien 7-15-il jum għal kwantità żgħira, u madwar 30 jum għal kwantità kbira.
-2. Nirrispettaw lil kull klijent bħala ħabib tagħna u sinċerament nagħmlu negozju u nagħmlu ħbieb magħhom, irrispettivament minn fejn jiġu.
Introducing the White Cling Agriculture Black Film Lldpe Hand Ceiling Handles Pe Hood Mini Jumbo Roll Pallet Wrapping Stretch Wrap Film by Hejing - the perfect solution for all your packaging needs.
Crafted from high-quality LLDPE material, this stretch wrap film is your go-to choice for protecting your shipment from external damage. With its excellent puncture resistance and superior holding force, you can be sure that your products are in safe hands during transport, storage or shipping.
Its sleek black color offers a touch of sophistication while also preventing prying eyes from examining your valuable items. By providing coverage is complete keeping tight to the surface, it also provides protections against dirt and moisture. Plus, its cling properties decreases the dependence on additional materials that are adhesives.
The Hejing White Cling Agriculture Black Film also features convenient hand ceiling handles, making it effortless to make use of and apply without any hassles. Its roll design insures you can put your pallets quickly and secure your goods without wasting time. More over, its mini jumbo roll size makes it perfect for small business use or house usage is personal.
Its versatile nature permits extra uses, from agriculture to construction sites, ensuring for any companies or home packaging events that can be used it. Its peelable hood features offers an solution is innovative simplifies how the wrap is removed.
Not to mention, its thickness gives a hold for your hefty and fragile goods, providing you with peace of mind your items get to their location in one piece. Its lightweight property ensures you don't need to carry the weight is added saves your workers a lot of time and effort.
The Hejing brand is well known for creating quality services and products, and this wrap is stretch is no exception. Its quality surpasses other place is stretch on the market, and it's eco-friendly, making it a more sustainable option for the surroundings.
Get your White Cling Agriculture Black Film Lldpe Hand Ceiling Handles Pe Hood Mini Jumbo Roll Pallet Wrapping Stretch Wrap Film by Hejing today and experience its benefits.