Kompressjoni Spazjali qawwija Custom Printed Ippakkjar Bijodegradabbli Sealer Trab Ħażna vakwu Borża Għall-Ħwejjeġ Borża tas-siġillar bil-vakwu
- introduzzjoni
Karatteristika: Aċċetta tip, daqs, ħxuna, kulur personalizzat.
Isem tal-prodott |
Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bag |
Materjal prodott |
PA + PE |
Daqs tal-prodott |
45 * 75cm56 * 80cm 80 * 100cm 110 * 100cm (aċċetta apposta)
prodott Kulur |
Trasparenti + Abjad |
Applikazzjoni prodott |
Ħwejjeġ/kutri/imħaded Ħażna |
Karatteristiċi tal-Prodott |
Ippakkjar tal-Prodott |
CPP Bag/Kulur Bag/Kulur Kaxxa |
Term ħlas |
Depożitu ta '30% u bilanċ ta' 70% qabel il-ġarr, T/T, L/C, D/A, D/P, PayPal |
Ħin tal-Kampjun |
Jiem 7 10- |
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-Normalment nistgħu nibgħatu fi żmien 7-15-il jum għal kwantità żgħira, u madwar 30 jum għal kwantità kbira.
-2. Nirrispettaw lil kull klijent bħala ħabib tagħna u sinċerament nagħmlu negozju u nagħmlu ħbieb magħhom, irrispettivament minn fejn jiġu.
Introducing the Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bag. This is the ultimate solution anyone looking to effectively store their clothes and free some space up inside their closet or suitcase.
Created from biodegradable materials, this Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bag is environmentally friendly and safe for our society. The custom printed design is visually appealing and adds a touch of elegance to your space for storage. and, it is durable and built to last, it again and again to help you use.
The sealer feature compresses most of the fresh air out of the bag, which means that you can keep more and save space. This is a great element those who travel a great deal or have a home in smaller areas. The vacuum sealing also protects your clothes from dust, mold, mildew, and insects, keeping them clean and fresh them again until you’re prepared to wear.
The Hejing Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bag is not just for clothes, however. You need to use it to store any soft items blankets that are including towels, and also pillows. The possibilities are endless.
This Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bag is incredibly easy to use. Merely pack your items into the bag, seal it shut, and employ a vacuum ordinary cleaner to suck all of the fresh air out. The bag will down compress straight to a portion of its original size you with a neat, arranged storage solution.
In addition to being environmentally practical and friendly, this Strong Space Compression Custom Printed Biodegradable Packaging Sealer Dust Vacuum Storage Bag For Clothes Vacuum Sealing bagis also customizable. It is possible to include your very own custom design to the scenario, making it an unique and storage personalized solution. The custom printing also helps it be simple to identify what’s inside each bag, assisting you to save hassle and time when you’re searching for a specific item.